Friday, November 22, 2013

Winter Skin Care Tips To Fight Against Dryness

As much as we want it out of our long list of winter beauty problems, there's no way we can separate temperature from the obvious dryness that our skin starts to elicit as soon as environmental heat dramatically drops down. The cold weather, which extremely grows colder as days pass by, show on the slow visible changes we experience in our skin. Of course, we can't excuse ourselves from looking our worst just because of an unfavorable weather. Why? It's because something can still be done to fight it. Flaking skin, roughness, dehydration and itchiness are just few manifestations of skin dryness. So, what skin care strategies need to be done here?


We tend to drink more liquid during summer for very obvious reasons. Precipitation during summer is an effective reminder that released water from our bodies needs to be replaced. However, more often than not, we need as much liquid in our body in winter as well. What will motivate us then? Due to lack of other sources, we could somehow use skin dryness to encourage ourselves to drink lots of water - hot drinks such as coffee or tea are also suitable. Liquid, above all, helps our skin remain supple amidst very crucial temperature change. Water therapy is proven to be a very effective skin care solution for dryness.


How is cleansing done anyway? It won't need any form of chemical solution, don't worry. By simply scrubbing one's skin while taking a bath, dry skin is removed to allow turnover to new skin cells. It should be noted, however, that this process should be done gently as skin becomes more sensitive in the cold season. In slow patterns, scrub skin using a safe bath. Focus on arms and legs as much as possible because these areas are the ones that dry the most. Also, do not forget the lips. They usually become chappy in winter. Use a lip balm that does not contain petroleum to cleanse them safely. Bear in mind that petroleum tends to clog pores in cold seasons, so better avoid it.


While liquid intake is mentioned in the first category, it is not enough to keep skin moisturized. More than ever, applying moisturizer to skin is needed. This goes very much applicable to the face since it is uncovered and unprotected to very cold temperature. You see, other parts of the body are all covered with layers of clothes, including jackets, coats, gloves, socks and boots, and yet the face remains exposed to very cold elements. A thick layer of moisturizer applied to the face would be very much helpful in shielding the face from outrageously cold air. Add a little more than the usual amount you use in summer. It's the best skin care stratagem one can do to help maintain smoothness and luster of skin.

You see, season is never an excuse for not looking your best in winter! Basically, every problem has a solution and every skin problem has a matching skin care first-aid as well. It's up to you to initiate doing the needed actions.

Protect your skin all year round! DIY treatments may be applicable, but professional help is more encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact a trusted dermatologist to give you the best advice on skin care in Virginia. Be a beauty for all seasons!

Article Source: Winter Skin Care Tips To Fight Against Dryness

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